

Top speaking slots and coverage secured for client, Bryony Thomas from Clear Thought Consulting

Bryony Thomas came on-board as a Nellie PR client late last year and we kicked off her PR campaign with a very early win –…

Social Media Strategy for Institute of Credit Management (ICM)

In recent months we've been conducting an audit of the social media activity of our client, the Institute of Credit Management (ICM).  This culminated in…

Consumer Journalist Turns B2B PR Intern

Nellie PR offers paid PR internships for the talented and PR experts of tomorrow.  Hollie-Anne Brooks joins us at a very busy and exciting time…

Planning a B2B Email Marketing Campaign

Yesterday I attended an Email Marketing course held in the East Midlands Chambers of Commerce building at the NG2 Business Park (for all those who…

Meet the Media - Gorkana Briefing with the BBC Business & Economic Unit

Gorkana, the media database people, hold regular breakfast briefings where PRs like me can get together to hear from top journalists on how they like…

Training Grants in Public Relations

Does your business have between five and 249 employees?  Based in the East Midlands?  If so, you could be eligible for a grant of up…

Pay-Per-Click Interview with Working Lunch

After securing a live interview on Working Lunch for Ann Stanley of Anicca Solutions - one of our PR clients - Nellie PR got to…

Public Relations Campaign Hits Nottingham, Derby and Leicester

Nellie PR has been signed up by creative masterminds to promote CDR East Midlands throughout 2009. CDR is bringing together a community of digital music…

Red Nose Day PR Style in Nottingham

Having spent the whole of Friday in the office dressed in my favourite super-cosy PJs, I’m sat here reflecting, why can’t I come to work…

Latest copywriting work

We've just completed copywriting the latest emda newsletter.

CIM event Nottingham - writing press releases

Thank you to everyone who attended my workshop at the CIM Power of Marketing Conference.  As promised, here's a link to the powerpoint presentation on how to…

Nottingham Creative Business Awards

Last night we attended the launch in Nottingham of the Nottingham Creative Business Awards. It’s great that Nottingham is showcasing the best of its creative…