
How to be a Thought Leader

Do you want to step out of the shadows as a thought leader? Or, help your client or a member of your team to work towards thought leadership? You do? Well, please watch the recent webinar session I ran on this very subject: Thought leadership and how to step out of the shadows as a thought leader.

I hope you find my thought leadership tips useful and if you want to find out more about the PR that PAYS framework, please visit the PR that PAYS programme for more information. You can also find out more about my one-to-one PR mentoring here.

I shared these tips as part of the CommunicateYOU virtual summit. This one-day event brought together six business owners (including myself) to share with you their top tips on how you can communicate your personal brand effectively to connect with more people and generate better business in your own authentic voice.

If you’re interested in finding out more about CommunicateYOU and watching all the webinars, including all the following sessions, visit: Communicate YOU virtual summit.

For more information

Please contact me at if you need any further information or have a question you want to ask. To register and find out more about the PR that PAYS programme, go to PR that PAYS online PR strategy programme.

Ellen Carroll

Ellen Carroll is a strategic PR and communication consultant. I provide PR training, mentoring and consultancy to help people and businesses to step out of the shadows with #PRthatPAYS

Find me on: Linkedin | Twitter

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