Does Facebook or Linkedin provide the best route to marketing one’s business?
19th April 2017 / All, How To
LinkedIn or Facebook? What social media platform is best for marketing?
If we are talking specifically which social media channel is best for marketing your business – it really does depend on where your target audience is and what your objective is. Take a look at what your competitors are doing, and be very clear about what you want to achieve.
If you’re not sure where your target audience and customers hangout – why not ask them? That’s where LinkedIn might come into its own as a research tool – drop a line to your contacts.
Each channel works in a different way and what is acceptable on one channel (connecting with people on Twitter) is most certainly not best practice on another (sending a LinkedIn connection request to an unknown contact).
Quality not quantity
I would say that using a combination of social media channels would work best (as part of the marketing mix). Go for quality not quantity and choose a maximum of three so you’re not over-burdened. Be consistent and remember social media marketing (like all marketing, in fact) is more of a marathon rather than a sprint so be consistent and persevere – success doesn’t come overnight. Have a plan, get organised and take a bit of time to set everything up or improve on what you’ve been doing. Go for it – be consistent and sustained.
I tend to spend about 20-30 minutes each day on social media at various points of the day, and schedule time at the end the week to schedule in posts and agree activity for the forthcoming week – working to a social media plan that we regular update.
If you want to see my social media plan, get in-touch. I’ll be happy to share.
Personally, I tend to find that LinkedIn is good for keeping in-touch with contacts and for researching new contacts and potential prospects. I’m also spending more time on LinkedIn improving my profile and company page and adding relevant content such as articles so that I’m more visible and can be more readily found.
Twitter has always been my ultimate tool of choice but that is mainly due to who I want to reach. I’ve found it really invaluable for building relationships with journalists and have also secured a considerable amount of new business too.
Facebook also works really well in a business context especially if you have a community. There are some great examples of business people using Facebook to run private membership groups. Drop me a line if you want me to point you in the direction of some examples and here’s a good overview from Facebook about using Facebook for Business and some Facebook do’s and don’ts.
PR Advice
If you need any further information or PR advice, please contact me or tweet Ellen Carroll.
For more PR tips visit PR advice and tips.
Contact Nellie PR for more information, and for a free, no-strings consultation, book a call with me.
Photo Credit: Viktor Hanacek, Picjumbo
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