
Made in Britain

We love looking after the PR for Made in Britain manufacturers and businesses, so will be attending the Smarta 100 Academy Made in Britain event on Tuesday 30th April.  Will you be there?

Hosted by Shaa Wasmund, the CEO and founder of Smarta, the panel will include:

Sir Richard Needham from Dyson who will be giving lots of great advice about how to make the most of a Made in Britain brand.

Simon Willis from Royal Crown Derby talking about how to leverage the ‘Britishness’ of your brand.

Nick Roope from Plumen, the world’s first designer energy saving light bulb and also Will King, King of Shaves.

The event is free to attend and you can book a place here: The O2 Smarta 100 Academy Made in Britain

Say hello if you see me there, and I’ll be more than happy to provide Made in Britain manufacturing PR advice.   

Posted by Ellen Carroll, founder and director of Nellie PR.



Ellen Carroll

Ellen Carroll is a strategic PR and communication consultant. I provide PR training, mentoring and consultancy to help people and businesses to step out of the shadows with #PRthatPAYS

Find me on: Linkedin | Twitter

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