
Business Events in Nottingham and Derby

After a period of hibernation, we’re keen to get out and about so are hitting the town.  Here’s our round-up on the events that are taking our fancy.

PechaKucha in Derby

Now we’ve heard good things about this one.  The next event takes place at QUAD in Derby.  No details are yet online, but it’s in our diary.

PechaKucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public.

It has turned into a massive celebration, with events happening in hundreds of cities around the world, inspiring creatives worldwide. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of “chit chat”, it rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds. It’s a format that makes presentations concise, and keeps things moving at a rapid pace.

Events in Nottingham

We won’t have to travel far for these as many are taking place in our Antenna home.  Coming up, we’ll be attending:

Refresh Fridays at Antenna is an informal business networking event in Nottingham

These events take place every Friday from 8.00-10.00a.m.  Completely informal, we’re hoping to network with other Nottingham-based peeps, Antenna members and guests alike.

Raise Your Game is a programme of events designed to drive business success.  Coming up, we’ll be joining all those that have gone before to give an hour of our time after work on a Monday to pass on some of our public relations wisdom.  Details to follow regarding topic and date.

For more details of other events at Antenna, visit:

Invest in Nottingham

As a Nottingham-based business, we’ll be heading to the Invest in Nottingham event on the 19 September.  We’ve signed-up for the regeneration tour led by David Bishop Nottingham City Council’s Corporate Director of Development where he’ll be showcasing the city’s emerging key development and investment opportunities.  After a networking lunch, we’ll then be heading over to Nottingham Playhouse for a presentation by Stephanie Sirr – focusing on the factors that distinguish Nottingham’s great quality of life.

A centre piece of the presentation will be Nottingham’s current and emerging retail offer – the Retail Pod will be there with retail specialists – Stephen Wood of Westfield will give a short presentation on the new Broadmarsh Shopping Centre.  Lots of other sessions are also planned, and we’re also hoping to get more information on Nottingham’s Enterprise Zone and support for creative industries as well as finding out all about Invest in Nottingham and the Invest in Nottingham Club.
For more information see Invest in Nottingham Day and Invest in Nottingham, and the Invest in Nottingham Club.

Ellen Carroll

Ellen Carroll is a strategic PR and communication consultant. I provide PR training, mentoring and consultancy to help people and businesses to step out of the shadows with #PRthatPAYS

Find me on: Linkedin | Twitter

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