Here is a list of the top SME journalists to follow on Twitter from national publications. Browse through the list below of the top journalists and follow our list on Twitter.
Check out our other SME journalist lists here.
The Times/ The Sunday Times
Although The Times and Santander’s SME supplements have not been published since 2015, The Times does still publish regular articles on UK SMEs, celebrating their successes through detailed profiling of a few stand-out SME’s and their stories.
James Hurley: Enterprise Editor @jameshurley
- As the Enterprise Editor for The Times, James Hurley often writes about the financial situation looming for or currently affecting SMEs in Britain.
Hannah Prevett: The Times Business Network Deputy Editor @hannahprevett
- Having started her career as a technology journalist, Hannah now specialises in writing about entrepreneurship and fast-growth businesses.
Richard Tyler: The Times Enterprise Network Editor @richardtyler
- Richard Tyler was previously director of editorial at Fast Track. Prior to that, he was Enterprise Editor for The Daily and Sunday Telegraph, covering entrepreneurs and government policy towards business.
Alistair Osborne: The Times Chief Business Commentator @aliosborne20
- Alistair Osborne is the chief business commentator of The Times, writing a daily column five days a week. He’s been writing about the ups and downs of business for more than 20 years.
Richard Fletcher: Business Editor @fletcherr
- Richard Fletcher is in charge of overseeing the paper’s trusted and comprehensive business coverage. He has been a financial journalist for over two decades and writes a daily morning email business briefing.
Simon Freeman: Business News Editor @SimonjFreeman
- Previously Business News Editor at The Evening Standard, Simon Freeman has replaced Graham Ruddick as Business News Editor at The Times, covering all sectors in print and online.
Jon Yeomans: Deputy Business Editor @JonLYeomans
- Previously Assistant Business Editor of the Telegraph, Jon Yeomans is now responsible for covering energy, industry, and transport stories for The Times’ business news desk.
Greig Cameron: Scottish Business Editor @greigcameron
- Greig Cameron covers all aspects of business in Scotland from start-ups and entrepreneurs to listed companies and the economy. He has been nominated several times at the Scottish Press Awards and won the best financial/business writer category in 2018 and in 2020.
The Telegraph/ The Sunday Telegraph
The Telegraph is particularly attentive to SMEs. The newspaper has its own SME page, as well as The Telegraph’s Business Club. The Telegraph has set up a community, Telegraph Connect, which is dedicated to helping SME professionals to grow their businesses.
Jeremy Warner: Business Columnist @jeremywarneruk
- Jeremy Warner, Business Columnist and Associate Editor of The Daily Telegraph, is one of Britain’s leading business and economics commentators. He writes the Business Comment section in The Sunday Telegraph, covering UK economy, central banks, and financial policy.
Hannah Uttley: Business News Editor @huttleyjourno
- Hannah Uttley has been promoted to Business News Editor at The Telegraph, after previously being Deputy Business News Editor at the newspaper.
Christopher Williams: Business editor @cg_williams
- Williams, now the business editor for the whole of The Telegraph, previously looked after the Sunday Telegraph business team.
Liam Halligan: Columnist @LiamHalligan
- Liam Halligan is an award-winning economist, journalist, broadcaster, and author. He is currently the Economics and Business Editor of GB News and co-hosts the Telegraph’s Planet Normal podcast.
Chris Price: Business Live Blogger @TheChrisPrice
- Chris Price is in charge of the Telegraph Business live blog – a useful resource for the latest UK business updates.
Matt Oliver: Special Correspondent @mattotele
- Matt Oliver has been appointed Special Correspondent at The Telegraph covering the leading business stories of the day. He was previously a Business Reporter.
The Guardian/Observer
Like the Telegraph, the Guardian has a Small Business Network. Here they publish articles aimed at SMEs, run podcasts, and also run live chats where you can interact with other SMEs and experts, creating a great network of sharing knowledge and making connections. The Guardian has recently launched Guardian B2B, which produces case studies, interviews with business leaders, expertise on leadership, and videos and podcasts exploring key B2B topics.
Joanna Partridge: Business reporter @JonannaPartridge
- Joanna Partridge covers business and economics news. She was previously a business producer/reporter at ITV News, she can be found tweeting regular UK business stories.
Claire Burke: Commissioning / Communities Editor for Guardian Cities @GDNclaire
- Until recently, Burke was previously responsible for editing Guardian Business to Business, as well as the Guardian’s Small Business Network. She’s commissioned stories across a range of topics, including health and social care, urban issues, small businesses, technology, careers, and working life.
Sean Hargrave: Tech & SME business issues writer @seanhargrave
- Hargrave previously wrote media and technology articles. He now concentrates on technology stories, particularly around the IoT, open data and cyber security. He also regularly covers SME business issues.
The Financial Times
Like The Times, the Financial Times does not dedicate a specific section or service purely for SME news. They do, however, produce numerous relevant articles on how national and international trends in finance will affect SMEs and other SME news.
Pilita Clark: Business Columnist and Associate Editor @pilitaclark
- Moving from her role as Environmental Correspondent, Clark now writes a weekly column on modern corporate life.
Helen Thomas: Business columnist @helentbiz
- The Financial Times has appointed Helen Thomas as their business columnist. In her new role, Thomas will write a daily business column covering the UK business sector.
Andrew Hill: Senior Business Writer @andrewtghill
- Andrew Hill has previously been an Associate Editor and the Management Editor of the FT. Now, as Senior Business Writer and Consulting Editor to FTLive, Hill is focusing on writing long-form features and interviews, as well as chairing and moderating events, online and in-person.
The Daily Mirror/Sunday Mirror
The Daily Mirror focuses on SME-related stories such as the realities of being self-employed, or entrepreneur success stories.
Graham Hiscott: Business Editor @Grahamhiscott
- Instead of tweeting links to his articles, Hiscott focuses on short and snappy tweets of business information, tips, and news. His Twitter is perfect for up-to-date snippets of information as well as the occasional link to great business content.
The Independent
The Independent has a whole section of their website dedicated to SME news including the new collection of articles, Small Talk. @TheIndyBusiness
James Moore: Chief Business commentator @JimMooreJourno
- James Moore is The Independent’s chief business commentator and a columnist for Independent Voices. He writes daily for the title’s business section on business, finance, and economics.
London Evening Standard
Like the Daily Mail, the London Evening Standard has a specific SME section in their publication.
Jonathan Prynn: Business Editor @JonPrynn
- Jonathan Prynn covers economic news, both national and London focussed, and in addition, he writes daily a comment column for the London Evening Standard.
Lucy Tobin: Entrepreneurs Editor @lucytobin
- Lucy Tobin writes weekly entrepreneur profiles for the Evening Standard, published on Mondays. She’s also a regular contributor to business sections of other newspapers, including the Sunday Times and Daily Mail.
City A.M.
City A.M. produces great SME content despite not having a particular service or section dedicated to SMEs. Their articles are written by both business journalists and businessmen: for example, Peter Alderson, MD of LDF (Business Finance Solutions).
Samantha Soames (Previously Downes): Digital Editor @Samantha_Downes
- Samantha Soames is a Financial Journalist and Digital Editor for City A.M.. She’s edited for both digital and print, and there’s not much she doesn’t know about pensions, mortgages, protection, and investment.
Dan Martin: Freelance small business journalist @Dan_Martin
- Martin is a journalist, content creator, and event host with over 18 years of experience. He’s passionate about entrepreneurs, small businesses, and their owners. He writes about their stories, and hosts events that educate, inspire, and support up-and-coming companies.
Ellen Manning: Freelance Journalist @ellencmanning
- Ellen Manning is a Freelance Journalist specialising in food and small business, regularly published in Guardian’s Small Business Network.
Amy Wilson-Watson: Freelance Business Journalist @AmyWilsonWatson
- Co-founder of Word Lab, and former Telegraph and Bloomberg reporter, Amy Wilson-Watson is now a freelance business journalist and fiction writer.
Jyoti Rambhai: Freelance Business Journalist @Jy0ti_Journo
- Managing editor at People Management, freelance business journalist/ editor/ pr consultant, chief reporter @business_backin, and casual reporter at The Sun.
Chris Blackhurst: Business journalist @c_blackhurst
- Chris Blackhurst is a renowned business journalist who has held senior positions across Fleet Street. He was the editor of The Independent from 2011 to 2013 and now writes on a wide range of business-related issues.
Angharad Carrick: Investment reporter @angharadcarrick
- Carrick is an investment reporter who has written several pieces targeted at advising SMEs in City AM’s ‘Save our SMEs’ section.
Helena Pozniak: Independent Journalist @helenapozniak
- Helena Pozniak is a freelance features writer for national newspapers, magazines, and websites. She focuses on higher education, careers, and working life. Publishes in Guardian B2B and The Telegraph.
Alison Coleman: Freelance Journalist @alisonbcoleman
- Freelance journalist, and founder of Coleman Media. For the last 20 years she’s covered business stories for national and international online and print publications, with a special interest in entrepreneurs and their start-ups.
Hunter Ruthven: Freelance journalist @hunterruthven
- Recently turned freelance, Ruthven also works as an editor of Real Business and Business Advice. He is a leader in SME journalism. Alongside this work, he helps host the Growing Business Awards, First Women Awards, and Future 50 initiative.
Lucie Mitchell: Freelance journalist @luciemitchell
- Freelance journalist and editor specialising in small business and HR.
Further Resources
If you’re interested in getting coverage in the press or want advice on how best to pitch a story to secure coverage, check out my Pitch Craft media pitching training.
Browse our other SME journalist lists here.
Contact Nellie PR for more information, and for a free, no-strings consultation, book a call with me.